My Goals for 2024

Ben Sewell
4 min readJan 5, 2024
Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

While I’ve been off over the Christmas period I’ve spent a bit of time reflecting on how 2023 was and my aims for 2024. This year I will make a list of targets and keep checking in on how I’m going, adjusting as necessary.

Goals for my mind

Week notes & review

Getting short week notes out. This helps me reflect on what’s gone on and is a reminder to go back on sometimes when it’s busy you forget how far you’ve come. I enjoy writing and reading them so I agree, this is something good for my mind.


When something big happens or a key achievement/area of improvement then I’m going to spend time talking about it and reflecting on it. My best learnings have been from doing and listening to those who have done things before me.


Balancing busy work with life commitments is top on my list. I want to make sure that I do good things in both camps but make sure that I do them both well. This is self-discipline and making sure that I look out for myself, my family and my teams so we all have a good work and home life. Work to live, not live to work.

Goals for my body


I’m going to get a little bit fitter in 2024. I’ve enjoyed years of dad bod life, now is the time to do something about it. Healthier eating and exercise are coming. Not sure how much yet but it’s coming.


Make sure that I don’t overdo things and try my best to get some decent sleep to recharge my mind.

Work Goals

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

I moved into the charity / third sector on October 23 and now feel more confident about my role and the challenges I have at work. My work goals this year are:

Data and Systems Transformation Programme

Make sure this is progressing well and steering the organisation to get the best systems and capabilities as quickly as possible.

Embedding Digital Leadership

Setting up several decision-making groups and embedding some new processes into action. Supporting the organisation to get the best digital outcomes and utilise new tools provided by the transformational change programme. Developing a digital strategy and delivery roadmap bringing together digital transformation, business as usual and opportunities to experiment and learn from a technology and people perspective.

Networking in charity / third sector

I’m new to this sector so I am very keen on networking to find commonality and areas of improvement and of course, have a nosey about what other places are doing. I’m starting with the Richard Group of charities and will see where that gets me first. I’ll be more active on the British Computer Society forums and special interest groups and this will help me acclimatise to the third sector. I also want to attend some specific conferences and be present in networking with the right groups for charity digital leaders.

Trim social media

Time for a bit of a cut down on people I have little interaction with and those who spam with proposals for new systems and sales. No thanks, if I want something I’ll reach out to you, most people are not ready to buy new things every week of the year.

Making work visible

Lots of work is going on but at times feels like it’s hidden unless I go looking. I’ve found making work visible helps embed goals, deliverables and focus. I’ll be repeating this in my current role and ensure that mission-critical business as usual has time to deliver, otherwise, it can lead to plate spinning and stretching people.

Blog post about moving out of the NHS into the third sector

Quite an easy one to achieve but a short blog post about moving from the NHS to the third sector is good for my reflections and to help those who are thinking of other career options out of the NHS.

My Development Goals

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Developing myself

I want to get the BCS CITP accreditation status and probably go for cEng and FedIP Leading Practitioner while I’m at it.

Working through some of the self-taught CPD too. There is a lot of stuff I can tap into that I’m not making the most of.

Reading. Do more of it.

I have a mix of paper, ebook and audible I am always on with but I want to spend time doing more of this in 2024. Along with Week notes too I’ve got quite a stash to go at.

Currently reading the first 90 days and the fear bubble.

Additional Leadership Role

I’d like to do an additional role such as a non-executive director, Trustee, or similar. I could help other organisations and this will also benefit me by using my skills in different settings.

Developing Others

I passed my FedIP and CHCIO last year. This year I’m leading some of the CHCIO workshop modules.

Mentoring. Helping others achieve is very important to me so I’ll be doing a bit more mentoring than I have done in the past.

Contributing to good causes

Lastly, I’m involved in some Arthritis research. I want to do more of this.

I also want to share where I can to help others, so I’ll be more active in FedIP and BCS groups.

